The humble washcloth
Cold washcloths were the best because they were easiest to chew on. I also used to put a crushed ice cube inside a washcloth, tie it up, and let her chew until all of the ice chips had melted. — LaTonya
Hands down, my baby's favorite soother is a fresh washcloth soaked in some brewed chamomile tea that I keep cold and ready in the fridge. Also, if you use a cold teething ring, try one with a handle of solid plastic that won't get as cold when she's holding it. — Becca
Alternative teethers
We recently discovered a vibrating teething "star." I think First Steps makes it. When she bites down, it vibrates, and the baby loves it. The rings you put in the fridge or freezer are "too cool" for her. — Kim
I purchased a Teething Blanket by Munchkin for my 16-week-old son and he loves it. I suggest that you buy two. One can be washed while the other is in use. — Kerry
We found a teether that had a freezable part and a hard plastic handle. Our daughter had a much easier time gripping the not-frozen handle. With all the other frozen teethers, she'd just fling them from her chilly little fingers. — Brenda
Frozen food as chew-toy
Frozen bagels worked well for my daughter when she started teething. — Chris
Our baby's not taking any solids yet, but we put a few frozen grapes in the baby feeder mesh bag and she absolutely LOVES chewing on it. You can put frozen bananas or even just crushed ice in it. It's a little messy, but the babies seem to enjoy it. — Julie
I'm a breastfeeding mom and a friend recommended pumping and freezing the milk in an ice cube tray then putting the frozen milk cube into a mesh feeder bag. It worked well and my daughter loved it. She was an early teether so other frozen treats were out. — Cindy
Cold and wet
My daughter thwarted all our attempts at using traditional teething soothers. We started keeping a baby bottle full of water in the fridge. Although the water has no nutritional value, the sucking was soothing and the ice-cold nipple was great for her to chew on. Just keep an eye out for A LOT more wet diapers. — Katrina
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