Nature gives special beauty to a pregnant woman. And, as a matter of fact, her clothes are not so important. A woman remains a woman during all times. And she often meets talks about her natural beauty with a sarcastic smile. Such woman needs looking excellent and like herself always.
Pregnancy won’t prevent you from wearing stylish and beautiful clothes. To the contrary, it will give you an opportunity to experiment. Give free play to your imagination! Pregnancy wear doesn’t include shapeless sarafans and dresses with lots of incredible tucks. Pregnancy means feminity. So, don’t hide it, but accentuate!
However, choosing wardrobe, you will need to consider some requirements to clothes, to provide yourself with good state of health and avoid harm for your baby. Cloth should definitely be lose and comfortable, not to restrain motions, allow breathing freely. During pregnancy your wardrobe should consist of light natural materials – flax, cotton, silk, wool. These materials are “breathing”, don’t break natural skin work, don’t impede dermal respiration and sweating.
It’s good if trousers, skirts and dresses have adjustable waist, this way you won’t feel uncomfortable while your belly is growing. During pregnancy load on whole organism, including leg vessels, increases. That’s why it’s better to avoid wearing long socks and tight stocking.
As pregnant woman should move as much as possible, choice of footwear is of big importance. You will have to refuse from high-heel shoes and boots. High heel causes additional load on backbone, changes uterus position relatively backbone and belly “sags”, belly tissues stretch very much, uncomfortable sensations appear. So you should try choosing comfortable, stable footwear, better on natural leather sole.
Pay special attention to lingerie. It should definitely be natural – cotton or flax. Synthetic lingerie can cause various irritation, itch. Bras should be comfortable to toe maximum, not tight or too loose. The matter is that breast does not have muscles, which could support it and prevent stretching of breast tissues while weighting. That’s why supporting bra should be quite thick, with wide shoulder-straps, rather deep not to deform breast and squeeze it in the middle.
Concerning pants, they also should be natural. Today market offers lots of models of pants for pregnant women. They all have special edge. In summer you need to wear thin cotton pants, when it’s cold it’s better to put on pants from thicker cotton, and in winter – switch to panties.
On later terms of pregnancy you can wear bandage. But only in case of emergence. If you can do without bandage – that’s great! You know, uterine and abdominal muscles should train to provide normal delivery. Bandage helps while painful sensations in waist, big and saggy belly, threatened miscarriage or heightened uterine tonus. Choose bandage with responsibility. Bandage should not tighten belly too much, allowing muscles to work freely.
Remember, bandage has only supporting function! You should put in on underwear.
These are all requirements to pregnancy wear.
We would like to advise you – don’t buy too many things at once. What for? Try to save money, combining trousers, skirts, waistcoats, blouses, sarafans, nice bright tops and T-shirts. Venture!
And remember, being pregnant means being stylish and beautiful. Now pregnant women don’t hide smooth roundish belly. Pregnancy is the best period for experiments with your own wardrobe and image, leaving a woman freedom of her lifestyle choice.
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