Of course, firstly you will be nervous, not coping with complicated fasteners while dressing and undressing your baby. That’s why first clothes for a newborn should be very simple, and buttons and bows will be good for older babies.
Before buying some beautiful suit, think carefully about the way you will dress and undress your baby. Cloth with wide mouth is most comfortable for small babies: you can pull it over a baby’s head. Elastic knitted cloth with a low fastener allows changing diapers without undressing a baby completely. If you put on a jumpers which is buttoned from the front on a baby, you will protect a baby’s back from wind. It is also very comfortable, when you need to change your baby’s clothes quickly.
If you have a girl, of course, you will like to put dress on her, but, unfortunately, it is not very practical for daily wearing. It’s not comfortable for a baby to jump, lie and crawl in a dress, and wind blows from beneath. Keep it for holidays or put in on when a girl will grow slightly. Don’t put lacy blouses and tippets on girls, as their little fingers can get stuck in holes.
A baby is growing and you can already replace knitted romper suits by bright jumpers or cotton panties. They are universal and suit both boys and girls. Jumpers are easy to put on and don’t restrain baby’s motions. When you buy thick panties, look at their trouser-legs’ width and whether they have adjustable straps, as usually you will put some other cloth under them.
If it’s warm outside, don’t muffle your baby up, he should not be hot. Before going for a walk, put on a Panama hat that protects head from sun rays. You should have rather loose clothes for cool weather.
Care about clothes
You will change your baby’s clothes at least 3-4 times per day. So, buy clothes, care about which won’t burden you. Such clothes are easy to wash and wear. Before you buy some cloth, read its label closely and don’t buy cloth, if it requires special complicated treatment. The best cloth is cloth made from natural materials. It is warm and absorbs moisture well, that’s why high-quality underwear and crawlers are made from natural cotton.
Always observe instruction, attached to a cloth you bought while washing. Then all baby clothes will keep their color, initial shape and structure of material for a long. While washing, try to avoid using bio washing powders – they can irritate baby’s skin. Clothes should be dry and ironed, only then you can put it on.
Never buy footwear that presses baby’s toes. Footwear should hold baby’s feet in crawlers, knickers or tights and not to be tight. Besides, it should have space allowing baby moving his toes. Don’t put socks, bootees and tights, which shrinked after washing, on a baby. Same concerns collars, cuffs, mittens and gloves.
When you go for a walk, put comfortable, warm and waterproof shoes on your baby. Best footwear is footwear made from light, breathing materials, such as fabric or soft leather. Boots or shoes should be soft, so that you could feel baby’s toes through them. When you buy the first footwear for your baby, try it for sure. Measure your baby’s feet’s length and width beforehand, so that you could know approximate size. If you have a possibility, buy boots with leather top. Don’t forget to check whether shoes are still appropriate for a baby regularly.
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