Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Baby Demands More Milk

Talk about the ultimate in efficiency! Your breastmilk production is based solely on demand from your baby. If you skip regular breastfeeding sessions, your breasts eventually will produce less milk. So to keep producing the milk your baby needs, you need to be consistent in your feedings. Your body will do the rest! Here are some tips to help you maintain your breastmilk supply for your hungry baby.

Monitor feedings. A baby who nurses all the time or who never seems satisfied may be going through a growth spurt. If your baby is demanding more frequent feedings, meet his needs until the growth spurt passes. An increase in breastfeeding during the day also may be triggered when he begins to sleep through the night. If you suspect that your baby still isn’t satisfied even though you’ve increased the number of feedings, talk to your lactation consultant or doctor. Frequent weight checks also can help you determine if he’s eating enough.

Offer both breasts at each feeding. This way your breasts are equally stimulated to produce milk. Typically allow baby to nurse for a total of 20 to 40 minutes.

To increase your supply of breastmilk, use a breast pump between feedings. This pumping will stimulate your breasts to produce more breastmilk so baby will always have enough. What’s more, you can freeze the additional milk to use later on and to allow dad to feed baby from a bottle.

Producing breastmilk takes energy, so get as much rest as you can during the day. When your baby takes his afternoon nap, take a quick catnap–even if for only 15 minutes.

Drink plenty of liquids. Drink water, juice, or milk–never ignore your thirst. This will help keep your body hydrated so you can produce more milk. It’s also important for maintaining your general health.

Add the daily recommended amount of vitamin B complex to your daily diet to help produce more breastmilk. Eat green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach, or take a vitamin/mineral supplement.

source from http://www.verybestbaby.com

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