Monday, January 28, 2008

Parents Center: Developmental Milestone--Toilet Training (age 3 to 4)

Toilet training: What to expect when
Most children are toilet trained by the time they're 3, but don't worry if your 3-year-old isn't; some kids aren't ready to start until they're about 4.

If you're starting the toilet-training process now, it will likely be brief because your child is ripe at this age. If your child is already trained, she has probably used a potty rather than a toilet. Now, in preparation for preschool, she needs to feel comfortable using the toilet both at home and elsewhere. If she hasn't mastered the skill already, she should also start to stay dry at night.

Signs of readiness
Your preschooler must be physically ready to start potty training before you have any chance of success, meaning she can hold urine and stay dry for three hours or more (this indicates that her bladder muscles are sufficiently developed to store urine). She also needs to be able to recognize the physical signs that signal when she has to go, and act on them before anything comes out (no small feat when you've never had to think about this before). It makes it easier, too, if she can pull her clothes up and down by herself.

Physical and mental readiness aren't the only factors involved. Motivation is key. If your child demonstrates a desire for independence and shows an interest in imitating others' bathroom habits, it may be an auspicious time to plunge into the process. Children may figure out how to have a bowel movement before they learn to urinate in the potty because they typically only have BMs once or twice a day, usually at the same time.

When your child is completely comfortable using her potty, buy a child-size seat for the grown-up toilet, and provide a step stool so she can climb up and down herself. Take her shopping with you, and let her help pick it out. She'll be much more excited about using it. After she's happily made this transition, you can put her potty away. Little boys typically sit down to urinate in the early stages of toilet training, but as preschoolers, they begin to copy their dads, older brothers, and friends, who stand up to pee.

Occasional nighttime wetting (as often as twice a week) and daytime accidents (when your child is engrossed in play or laughing herself silly) are perfectly normal and to be expected for at least six months to one year after she's mastered toilet training. If your preschooler consistently wets the bed at night, she may have a small bladder or may not have developed the ability to wake up in response to the call of a full bladder; this problem will usually pass as she gets older. Another solution is to limit liquids at night and before bedtime.

What you can do
You can make using the toilet a cinch for your child by dressing her in clothes that can be quickly and easily undone without your help. Elastic-waisted pants and shorts are perfect for this job; a dress with elastic-waisted underpants works just as well.

You may also need to assist boys making the move from sitting to standing. A step stool can help here, along with giving your son a target — a few Cheerios tossed in the bowl may do the trick. Be prepared to do some cleanup around the toilet for a while because it may take him some time to perfect his aim (practice makes perfect).

When you're out and about, teach your child to recognize rest-room signs, and encourage her to use them with your help and supervision. She'll also need to learn that sometimes (such as before a long car trip to Grandma and Grandpa's place) it's smart to visit a toilet before she feels a strong urge to go. You'll also need to prepare her for occasions when a bathroom is needed but not available — on a hike, for instance. That's easy for boys, of course, but little girls need to learn how to squat so their feet and clothing are safely out of the way. You can help your daughter by demonstrating how to squat and physically supporting her as she mimics you.

You'll also need to teach your child how to clean herself after she's been to the bathroom. Be sure to instruct girls to wipe from front to back to avoid infections. And, of course, you'll want to encourage hand washing after the job is done.

Be careful not to make a big deal about the occasional nighttime mishap. If your preschooler starts bed-wetting after a long dry period, she may be responding to some change or stress in her life. Once she's more relaxed, the problem will probably go away. If she wets the bed several nights in a row, downplay these accidents, and make sure she understands that they aren't her fault. Consider having her wear pull-on nighttime diapers again for a while — when she begins waking up dry, stop using the them. Don't punish her or make fun of her; she really can't help it and you'll only make her feel more ashamed.

What to watch out for
If your child has frequent accidents during the day and night, dribbles urine constantly, strains while she pees, or complains of burning or pain when she goes, she may have an infection or other health problem. Call her pediatrician as soon as possible. You should also talk to her doctor if her urine is cloudy or pink, if she has redness or a rash in her genital area, or if she soils herself on a regular basis. These guidelines apply to boys as well.

A small percentage of children may routinely soil themselves. This can happen if a child doesn't respond to the urge to have a bowel movement. If she ignores the impulse and holds it in, the stools become harder, larger, and more painful to pass, which further discourages toilet use. If your child has infrequent bowel movements (less than three per week), if she passes either large stools or hard, pebbly stools, or if it is difficult for her to pass a bowel movement, talk with her doctor about possible constipation.

If a child starts wetting the bed after a long dry period, there may also be an underlying emotional cause. "I'd talk with her doctor about any emotional stressors you think might play a part," says Denise Aloisio, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician in Rochester, New York. "Things like going to a new school, changes in the family (such as separation or divorce), or physical abuse can all be triggers."

What's ahead
In preparation for kindergarten, you'll want to help your child become completely self-sufficient in the bathroom. She'll need to be able to pull down her clothes, use the toilet, wipe herself, pull her clothes back up, and wash her hands. Typically, 5-year-olds are dry both day and night, with only occasional accidents.

source from

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