Thursday, February 21, 2008

Beauty Care of Babies

All babies are beautiful, but parents must take an active role in keeping their babies as beautiful as possible. Infant beauty relies on medical care and normal development.

Medical Visits

Parents should consult with a physician to provide and care for the needs of a developing child. Family doctors are trained to address concerns regarding developmental needs. In addition to growth charts, doctors will update youth immunization records and monitor the development of organs such as the lungs and heart.

The ‘Well Baby’

Scheduled visits are “well-baby visits.” These medical checkups are traditionally scheduled 2-3 months apart, or at the discretion of your doctor. Regular checkups will screen for disorders within the cardiac, respiratory and endocrine systems. Early detection is key to managing your child’s health.

Healthy, or ‘normally developing” children, require medical checkups by a physician on a regular basis. As always, if emergencies or areas of concern arise in between formal visits, parents are urged to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

Specialized Care

If the family doctor notes areas of concern, he may refer your child to a specialist. For example, children that are slow to respond to hearing tests will need a specialized auditory examination.

If it is noted that the child is developing slowly, doctors may choose to conduct specialized developmental tests. However, children will progress at their own developmental rate.

Dietary Needs

Your child’s dietary needs will vary as he or she ages. Healthy diets stimulate growth and development. Balanced diets consist of food items from diverse food groups. Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture releases a recommended view of the ideal balanced diet. This visual aid is commonly referred to as the “food pyramid.”

Essentially, a balanced diet consists of grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins. Children do need to consume adequate levels of fats and oils to balance out their diet. Sugars should be consumed in moderation. Excessive sugar intake can aggravate or contribute to the development of juvenile diabetes.

Food Allergies

If your child develops allergies, you will need to contact a physician in order to obtain a medication to stave off bodily reactions. Food allergies occur when the human body recognizes a certain food as dangerous to its immune system. Eggs, fish, peanuts, milk and wheat commonly trigger allergic reactions in both children and adults.

Food allergies are sometimes confused with food intolerance. Unlike food intolerance, food allergies are potentially life threatening. Food intolerance, on the other hand, causes mere discomfort.


As infants age, they will come into increased contact with person and things outside of the home and immediate family. To keep your baby beautiful, carefully monitor their contact with objects and exposure to non-family individuals. Day care centers are useful, but exposure to day centers do increase the number of germs that infants interact with on a daily basis. Parents must wash the child’s hands, feet and face frequently to reduce the possibility of infants catching the “common cold.”

Bath Time

Bath time has the potential to deepen the level of intimacy between parent and child. To ensure child safety, bathe your infant in an enclosed space. You may prefer to bathe your infant in a basin fitted inside a sink or inside of a bathtub. Never leave your child unattended. Children have drowned in as little as one inch of water.

The temperature should be neither hot nor cold. Do use a mild soap, or a soap specially formulated for babies, to wash your child's skin and hair. Children's shampoo decreases the likelihood of irritation to the eyes and scalp.


A beautiful baby is a healthy baby. Consult with a medical professional to ensure your baby's health and normal development. Parents must carefully monitor dietary needs, environmental concerns and developmental stages in order to keep their children healthily beautiful.

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