Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pregnancy And Colors

All woman’s emotions she experiences during pregnancy are passed to a baby. Scientists proved that if a pregnant woman feels good and merry, then positive hormonal changes take place in a fetus’s organism. And vise versa. This means, a future mom’s general task is to send her baby as mush positive impulses as she can. And color will help her in this.

Colors always present in our atmosphere: at home or work, in a shop or street, we always sense their influence on us. There’s such science, like color therapy.


All colors are divided into warm and cold. Warm – are long-wave – red, orange, yellow. Red color increases inner energy, contributes to energization of hematogenesis, normalization of blood circulation and metabolism.

Orange helps to win tiredness, melancholy, depression, diffidence, anxiety and fear. Yellow increases attention concentration, improves mood and memory. Its influence is very beneficial while liver disorders.

Cold colors – are short-wave – blue, dark-blue and violet. Blue color calms down, strengthens immunity, relieves inflammation and sense of burning, for example, while sun burns. Besides, it also affects thyroid gland activity positively. Dark-blue helps while insomnia, causes sense of comfort and repose, relieves tension, lowers arterial pressure, calms down breathing. Violet improves intuition, normalize lymphatic apparatus condition, helps while migraines.

Green color is an intermediate one. It affects slowly and smoothly. Contributes to rhythmical heart work, rest for eyes, has moderate antiphlogistic and antiallergic effect, is useful while diminished function of kidneys, giddiness, nervousness. It can relieve early toxicosis well.

Welcome to the séance

Everyone can take a séance of color therapy. You just should determine which color’s influence you lack at this moment, and bring it to your life with help of cloth and surrounding objects. Besides, color therapy experts recommend imagining color inside of you to solve emotional and physical problems. Imagine that your body is a vessel, which is filled with a certain color little by little. If you have no contra-indications, you can take “color” baths, using multicolored sea-salt or bubble bath.

By the way, medicinal effect will be stronger, if you add appropriate scented oil to water: for example, red color is combined well with ylang-ylang, orange – balm, yellow – rosemary, green – pine-tree, and blue – with geranium.

Drawing test

Take a set of colors or color soft-tip pens and draw some picture. Don’t be confused with absence of artistic skills. You know, you’re drawing not for an exhibition, but for you and your baby. This can be scenery, and a future baby’s portrait or an abstract picture. Have you drawn? Now look, which color dominates in your picture.

With help of “colorful pregnancy” method, you can learn a lot about the way pregnancy is passing, woman’s fears, and you even can determine a future baby’s peculiarities of character, looking at colors a future mom uses in drawings.

- While prescribing a medicine, Paracelsus considered its color necessarily. To cure wounds, he used black, green, red or white plaster, depending on a wound’s type.

- Avicenna composed a special atlas, where he described dependence between color, temperament and human health. He considered that bright morning light helped to assimilate food better; red color created optimistic mood and increased blood circulation (doctor covered his patients with red material), yellow colors healed liver, relieved pains and inflammation.

- At all times people used red flannel to cure scarlet fever in Russia, and wore golden beads to protect themselves from jaundice. In Scotland red wool cured tension of ligaments, in Ireland helped to cure tonsillitis, and in Macedonia prevented fever. In old England they tied a red thread on a baby’s arm, so that his teeth would grow faster.

Yellow color

Yellow color is a color of spirituality (according to color language), but, at the same time – of danger. Pregnant women, feeling free from all problems, draw yellow pictures. Such women perceive their condition, as amazing time of discoveries. “Yellow” baby – is a dreamer, visionary, tale-teller, wag. He likes playing in loneliness, abstract toys: stones, branches, small rags, bricks – he animates them due to power of his imagination. When such offspring grows, he/she will prefer varied, interesting work. He will always believe in something, hope for something, striving to live with future. At the same time such features of character can be displayed in him, like unpracticality, striving to avoid making of decisions, irresponsibility.

Red color

This is a color of blood, health, energy, strength and power. You are open to the world and active. Pregnancy is not a reason for you to refuse from previous way of living and favorite hobbies. You are afraid of nothing and often do not take seriously doctors’ recommendations. Even if there’re some problems, you do not attach big importance to them and are 100% sure in a positive result. And in case of appeared danger you blame everybody around, excepting yourself. As a rule, “red” babies are too movable and fidgety. When they grow up, then their high capacity for work will be determined by striving to gain success, receive result, deserve praise. Here come rush and egoism. Present day’s interests are most important for them.

What’s color therapy?

It was born in ancient times. People used color for treatment in Ancient Egypt, China, India, Persia. In Egyptian temples archaeologists found rooms, which construction refracted sun rays in this or that color. Local doctors determined a color a person was lacking, “bathed” a patient in healing flows of medicinal rays.

Each color contains a whole spectrum of tints – from most delicate and tender to deep and intense. Base of color therapy is influence of waves on our organism. Light represents a set of electromagnetic waves, and its color determines their length. Range of colors, our eye can perceive, - is from 380 to 760, from violet to red. Being electromagnetic, color interacts with energetic structures of human organism, increases or suppresses their vibrations. On the other hand, color affects a human’s eye’s iris, exciting these or that receptors. In its turn, it is connected with all internals and brain. That’s why different colors, influencing eye, cause different sensations and changes of activity of organs.

Orange color

This is a combination of yellow and red. Future moms, drawing orange pictures, combine all best qualities from “yellow” and “red” women in themselves. “Orange” children are excitable, as well as “red” and “yellow”, but this excitement has no way out. And children make merry, play up and cry without any reason.

Pale shades – blue, pink, lilac. These are typical infantile tones, and if an adult prefers them, this means he kept a “child” in himself and features of character, connected with it.

Blue color says about freedom, carelessness, and disposition towards change of air. Usually independent, self-confident women prefer it. Calm and feminine natures like pink. Lilac says about such features of character, like weakness, delicacy, feeling of loneliness, helplessness. If you choose lilac of all colors, this means you are often submerged into your own world and don’t allow other people, even close ones, to experience pregnancy together with you. “Pale” baby is usually delicate, weak and shy. Such baby is very dependent on other people, needs constant support.

Dark blue

Dark blue” pregnancy is an antithesis of “red” one. “Red” pregnant can be calmed down by dark blue color and vise versa. Often future moms choose dark blue not because they are calm, but because they really need repose this time. “Dark blue” baby is calm, balanced, likes doing everything without rush. He likes lying on a sofa with a book, reflecting and discussing everything thoroughly. He prefers heartfelt friendship with commitment and self-sacrifice, as, unlike “red” babies, he likes giving, not taking.

Violet color

According to color language it means night, mystery, contemplation. Pregnancy is something strange and independent from scientific grounds for you. You treat doctors’ advices with distrust and follow, first of all, your own sensations. You need other people’s support, it’s important for you to have a close person, whom you can tell about your feelings and who will understand you.

Other people’s indifference towards your condition hurts you a lot. “Violet” babies are marked with rich inner world and artistry. They are very sensitive, strive to impress, but can also see themselves as others see them.

Blue-green color

It means water, cold, depth, prestige and vanity. It is an indicator of nervous system’s state. The one who likes it, suffers from nervous overstrain. Such nervous overstrain is determined by a person’s character or can be cause by a situation, when a person is afraid to make a mistake, lose something, cause criticism. “Blue-green” baby should have more freedom, you should encourage his initiative, probably, level down your standards.

Green color

Does it dominate in your drawings? You are too “right”. Women, drawing green pictures, most often, observe all doctors’ recommendations and read lots of specialized literature. You treat pregnancy as a disease, and consider yourself severely ill, who needs special care. “Green” baby considers himself deserted and really needs maternal love. Creative education, development of sincerity and interest are necessary to prevent him from becoming a “green” adult personality – conservative, fearing of changes. Such baby needs feeling of safety, reliability.

Black color, as a color of threat, is absolutely contra-indicated for future moms. Pregnant women seldom use it in their drawings. If you prefer black of all colors, this shows your fear of future changes or fear of delivery. This color says that pregnancy is a serious stress for you, which changed your whole life. Often women draw black pictures during first weeks of pregnancy, when they still didn’t make a final decision whether to keep pregnancy or not. The more a woman likes this color, the more serious threat is, and the more dramatic a future mom’s state is. “Black” babies have very difficult character, they have a strong feeling of contradiction and wish to prove people, and their mother, first of all, their importance.

Grey color

Grey gives other psychological picture, it is also contra-indicated for future moms and means routine, lack of hope, tearing away, poverty. “Grey” intuition appears, when pregnant woman was isolated or she isolated herself from other people. Often women, who were working a lot before pregnancy, draw grey pictures, taking a maternity leave. This says that a future mother doesn’t see high prospects in her condition and treats childbirth as an unpleasant duty. A woman feels she’s isolated from a fascinating whirl of life for an unknown period. Another type of “grey” pregnant – are women, who cannot count on a future father’s support (either moral or material) for some reasons and are diffident. Grey color – is the first sign of moral tiredness. Most often “grey” babies are very quiet, timid and secluded.

Brown color

In this color orange is suppressed by black. Pregnancy is a discomfort for you, you don’t like to wait in general, and here waiting is prolonged for 9 months. You are irritated with everything – starting from growing belly and other people’s delights and finishing questions and advices of close people. You’re looking forward to delivery so much, that you don’t even afraid of it. There’re many reasons for “brown” discomfort: weak health, family troubles, participation in dramatic events, and, finally, tiredness. “Brown” babies have a marked necessity to create their own world, reliable and closed, a small world, which will create feeling of safety.

Drawing lesson for future moms

Imagine that you planted a seed of a strange, but wonderful flower and are looking forward when it blossoms out. And now try to draw on a paper the way you imagine this flower. You can draw several stages of its growth: here you see a first green sprout, then leaves, bud, and, finally, a wonderful flower has blossomed out. Draw a green meadow, blue sky and yellow sun around it – this is that care, you will surround your own baby with. Psychologists and color therapy experts state that such drawing relieves inner tension and helps a future mother to realize and feel the whole beauty of her state.

Such lesson will help you to get rid of your fears and gain inner harmony. This lesson is especially useful for women, who draw black, grey and brown pictures. Thus, color therapy and understanding of different colors’ influence on your inner world will give you a chance to understand your feelings better, get rid of fears and gain inner harmony, which is so important. Moreover, in your wonderful state.

Just facts

We can give you lots of examples of positive and negative effect of color on human organism. Here’re some of them:

- Blackfriars Bridge in London was painted in black color for a long time. It was noted, that the biggest quantity of suicides was committed on it. After the bridge was repainted in green color, quantity of suicides reduced abruptly.

- Camille Flammarion, French astronomer, who lived on the border of XIX and XX centuries, proved scientifically, that plants and animals are sensitive to color. Thus, for example, lettuce was growing 4 times quicker under red glass, than under the sun, reached very big height, and under dark-blue glass its growth was small. And haricot blossoms under white and red color, under green and dark-blue – dies. - Japanese scientists discovered that when stairs in offices were painted in red tones, clerks stopped chatting with each other on stairs during work.

- To suppress impetuous prisoners in USA, they use rooms, painted in soft pink color. After some time of staying in such room, lowering of muscular activity takes place automatically.

source from http://www.baby-health.net/articles/

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